Akintomide AkinsolaDress of Many Colors, 2023pen and acrylic on canvas
24 x 34 in -
Akintomide AkinsolaMy Kind, 2023pen and acrylic on canvas36 x 48 in
Akintomide AkinsolaStay With Me, 2023pen and acrylic on canvas48 x 48 in
Akintomide AkinsolaThree Musketeers, 2023pen and acrylic on canvas48 x 55 inSold
BulsbyBlah Blah BlahSold
BulsbyThe Guy With the Red Hair36 x 24
BulsbyBuy Or Sell36 x 24
BulsbyCam40 x 30
Ed KrellBridge #10chalk on canvas24 x 30 in
Ernesto BeckfordPortrait of a Black Woman, 2023Paper collage with watercolor24 by 18 in
Ernesto BeckfordGreen Eyes, 2023Collage on paper with watercolor23 by 17.75 inSold
Ernesto BeckfordFlamenco Dancer, 2023Paper collage with watercolor19.5 x 14.75 in
Ernesto BeckfordBlue Tile Shirt, 2023Paper collage with watercolor17 by 19 in
Ernesto BeckfordFocus of Attention, 2023Paper collage with watercolor20 by 15.5 in
Ernesto BeckfordLiving Room Window, 2023Paper collage with watercolor17 by 18 in
EsewhayeMelodies of JoyAcrylic and fabric on canvas40 x 32 in
EsewhayeField of SunshineSold
EsewhayeHappy PlaceAcrylic and fabric on canvas
EsewhayeJoy is Here, 2025Acrylic on canvas80 cm x 80 cm
EsewhayeLetter to the World, 2025Acrylic on canvas90 cm x 100 cm
EsewhayeSoul Sisters, 2025Acrylic on canvas80 cm x 80 cm
Fares MicueHealing Power19.7 in x 16.5 inSold
Francis EckComposition61 x 38 cm
Francis EckSous les AlizésOil on canvas65 x 54 cmSold
Francis EckAutant en Emporte le VentOil on canvas55 x 38 cm
Francis EckPromenade en MerOil on canvas70 x 70 cm
Frantz ZephirinReaching Outacrylic on canvas44.5 x 28 in
GerardBirds in a Flower Bushoil on canvas18 x 24 in
GerardBirds on the Nestoil on canvas22 x 28 inSold
GerardGreen Birds in Flowersoil on canvas24 x 20 inSold
GerardWhite Dove Pairoil on canvas20 x 24 inSold
GerardTrois Sirenesoil on canvas20 x 16 inSold
GerardBeasts in a Flower Forestoil on canvas19 x 22 inSold
GerardWhite Doves and Red Flowers with Vesseloil on canvas29 x 27 inSold
GerardRed Flowers in Vesseloil on canvas27 x 15 inSold
GerardRed and White Flowers in Bird Vesseloil on canvas29 x 38 inSold
Holly JacksonSaltwater/Freshwater, 2023Mixed Media Textile14 x 17 in
Holly JacksonBayou Fairy Tale, 2023Mixed Media Textile16 x 17.5 in
Holly JacksonCherries, 2023Mixed Media Textile17 x 10.5 in
James Stephen TerrellThink40 x 42 in
James Stephen TerrellGod and the DevilAcrylic58 x 54 in
James Stephen TerrellSuburban Sunday - 40 Acres and a ChurchAcrylic58 x 56 in
James Stephen TerrellLet's Eat36 x 25.5
James Stephen TerrellThe Celestial Summer Popsicle30.5 x 36.5
James Stephen TerrellThe Imperial Dr. Nebula Supreme48 x 38
Jean-Louis MaxanAba Tonton Macoutsacrylic on canvas36 x 48 in
Jean-Louis MaxanLa Politiqueacrylic on canvas29 x 39 in
Jean-Louis MaxanLe Depart d’Aristideacrylic on canvas29 x 39.5 in
Jean-Louis MaxanApres le Tremblementacrylic on canvas31.5 x 31.5 inSold
Jean-Louis MaxanWoman in Red Cape with Musiciansacrylic on canvas24 x 20 in
Jean-Louis MaxanBeautiful Women #1acrylic on canvas29 x 39 in
Jean-Louis MaxanBeautiful Women # 2acrylic on canvas24 x 20 in
John Lister, IIIHamilcar Barca: Father Of Hannibal BarcaOil Stick on canvas21 x 27
John Lister, IIIGras Sundiata: Crippled King Of LouisianaMixed Media On Paper (Acrylic, Oil Stick, Gold Leaf)21 x 27 in
John Lister, IIIBlack As A SpadeMixed Media On Wood (Paper, Spray Paint, Oil Stick, Oil Pastel)
30 x 40 in -
John Lister, IIIBarely Had Enough Scratch For A Dime Sack And A CigarMixed Media On Wood (Acrylic, Spray Paint, Papier, Oil Stick, Oil Pastel)30 x 40 inSold
John Lister, IIILisane Basquiat As Erzulie DantorMixed Media on Wood (Acrylic, Oil Stick, Oil Pastel)40 x 48 in
John Lister, IIIMeat Market: Not For SaleMixed Media on Paper (Fabric, Spray Paint, Oil Stick, Soft Pastel)21 x 27 in
John Lister, IIIHomage to the 761st - Come Out FightingMixed Media30 x 40 in
Johnson MugabeVanorerutsa Mutoro
Johnson MugabeStronger Together
Johnson MugabeSlow DownMixed media
Johnson MugabeChasing ButterfliesMixed media
Johnson MugabeWechibairwa 1 (That Which Is Meant for Sacrifice), 2023Mixed Media (paper and textile)15 x 11.5 inSold
Johnson MugabeWechibairwa 2 (That Which Is Meant for Sacrifice), 2023Mixed Media (paper and textiles)15 x 11.5 inSold
Johnson MugabeWechibairwa 3 (That Which Is Meant for Sacrifice), 2023Mixed Media (paper and textiles)15 x 11.5Sold
Jorelus JosephMadonna and Childacrylic on canvas36.5 x 25 in
Jorelus JosephBirds and Saintacrylic on canvas41.5 x 31.25 in
Jorelus JosephBirdsacrylic on canvas23.5 x 19 inSold
Jorelus JosephGoatacrylic on canvas41.5 x 31.5 in (framed)Sold
Jorelus JosephBirds on the Nest with Babiesacrylic on canvas24 x 20 inSold
Kerream JonesSummerloveAcrylic on canvas
Kerream JonesLove Blossom, 2023Acrylic on canvas37 x 25.5
Larry HorowitzOpen FieldsOil31 x 37 inSold
Larry HorowitzRapeseed Field en Plein AirOil21 x 26 inSold
Larry HorowitzBlueberry FieldsOil24 x 32 inSold
Larry HorowitzPassing StormOil24 x 29 in
Larry HorowitzVibrant Summer DayOil26 x 32 in
Larry HorowitzPlaying at Low TideOil18 x 24 inSold
Larry HorowitzEvening BrillianceOil37 x 50 in
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